If creating a saved search in opportunities, is there a place to filter by owner?
If you go to your Opportunities.
Click ‘edit crtieria/columns’
Go to ‘columns’ — add field - and choose ‘owner’
Then, under that there is a ‘sort order’ — sort by: and choose Owner or Owner descending
That will sort by owner for you.
Please note we will be closed on Friday, December 22nd and Monday December 25th. We will be working a reduced schedule the week between Christmas and New Years.
Thanks Jeff.
I may have worded my question wrong. I am s specifically looking saving a specific owner in the search criteria, but I don’t see it there like I do if it’s a contact search.
When you go under CRM → Opportunities → Edit Criteria/Columns, you should see this screen … and the owner is the list item in this list.
Choose that and it should filter by owner.
Please note we will be closed on Friday, December 22nd and Monday December 25th. We will be working a reduced schedule the week between Christmas and New Years.
Yes it is … right here:
Please note we will be closed on Friday, December 22nd and Monday December 25th. We will be working a reduced schedule the week between Christmas and New Years.
Yessir and when I edit and go to ‘misc criteria’, owner isn’t there, It its through contact but not opportunities.
Are you an admin in your account?
It is possible that you have restricted permissions on your user account.
If you click ‘Edit Criteria/Columns’ and you don’t see Owner — and you are an admin, then I’d get with support to see why you don’t see it, as that is one of the fields that should be available to you.
Please note we will be closed on Friday, December 22nd and Monday December 25th. We will be working a reduced schedule the week between Christmas and New Years.