I have the new API working to retrieve a contact as well as update a field,
but how do I retrieve a custom field? I can’t get that working.
@Tim_Turner, you have to handle them differently to the normal fields.
I presume you are working in the Perl language, as you mentioned that a few weeks ago?
Are you using REST or XML-RPC API Endpoints?
For REST, there is a “custom_fields” property.
For XML-RPC, you need to supply a leading underscore, eg: “_MyCustomField”. That list can be obtained via the Keap Max Classic, by going into the Custom Fields section for the related record, eg: Contact Record. You have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to see a link as shown below.
The window will show a list of the Custom Fields with the Database Name, which you just supply a leading underscore for it in your API query.
Or, you could query the “DataFormField” API Table instead.
Hope that helps.