How to push data from Infusionsoft Webform to Google Form/Sheet instantly


I understand in the past when a form was filled out in infusionsoft you used to be able to automatically fill out a google form behind the scenes. This is no longer the case. Does anyone have a solution for this?

Does anyone know anyway that when someone fills out an infusionsoft form, it can submit that data to a google form soon after?

We do not want the data to stay in infusionsoft because we are clearing the data instantly because it has to be reused.

Comments and solutions welcome.


I highly recommend Integromat (this link gets you a free month of their ‘basic’ plan). You may not even need a paid plan, as you get 1000 actions with their free plan, and 10,000 with their Basic plan ($9/mo). You can easily set up an HTTPS post from Infusionsoft to hit a webhook in Integromat that will feed to a Google sheet immediately. We set this up a lot for client.


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Thanks Jeff!
I will take a look!

Depending on the number of hits a month, you could do this with Zapier for free. You can use the Keap integration (yes I know you are on Infusionsoft, but you have to pay for that one, Keap one is free and is all you need for this).

Will allow 500 hits a month for free.

Hi Andy. Thanks.
Just looked at Zapier and the Webhook option is Premium. Going to try with Keap.

EDIT: * *Tried Keap and Zapier and We have custom fields we have to grab from and Keap / Zapier was only looking into the standard fields. Trying again with integromat. ***

Tried it with Integromat. The program was quite non-intuitive for the google sheet purposes. Frustrating because it seemed like we were almost there. Trying with Keap free version now.

Thanks again.

Integromat, if using a webhook, is literally 2 actions;

Inside the Google Sheet, you would enter the sheet into at the top, then feed into the applicable column the info from the webhook.

Here is the format for entering the data:

The “1” is the # from the Webhook action (in the grey box)
The “contactId” is the name of the ordered pair you send from the HTTPs post from Infusionsoft.
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