I just realized that when I go into a Contact’s profile and send them an email (using the little email icon), when they receive the email the Sender name shows up as just my first name in all lower case (rachel). If they have gmail this gets routed to promotions and I have a feeling they are skipping over it.
How do I fix this!??!
I have tried going into the “Edit my Profile” and changing my name there. logging out and signing in again and it did not change. All that changed was the Assigned Username within the Contact’s profile. I tried doing an online chat and that didn’t help.
I NEED my name to show up as something different to actually entice people to click on the email!
Thank you!
Rachel @Rachel_Garland. Would you please share a screenshot to see what the issue is. You can send it to me privately if you’d like to troubleshoot.
Hopefully you can see this but it just comes through as my name in lowercase letters. It goes to the promotions folder so I’m guessing people are skipping over it. If it goes to promotions I’d love for it to say Rachel @ My Company or something like that…
Rachel @Rachel_Garland. There are a few ways to assign a different name as the " from" when sending out individual or batch emails
If you have available a user. Designate new a “user” in your app with your unique name
When composing your email, in the email header details select from → other → Fill in your Unique Name in the "Name (Optional) section and assign the email you want it to send from
Lastly, if you are having further issues assigning your personal “from” in your Profile record. I would call the Infusionsoft help desk and see if they can troubleshoot further for you. They are a great group of people to talk with.