I am trying to add/update contacts in infusionsoft from users who have completed a form in hubspot crm, but infusionsofts phone fields aren’t static - so while hubspot has a set field for mobile phone number, infusionsoft just has Phone 1, Phone 1 Ext, Phone 1 Type (not very useful!) The zapier integration works perfectly except for this stupid phone issue! Anyone have any hacks I can use? Thank you
@Andrea_Shepherd, you ca rename most field labels to show whatever you want. Change Field Labels | Max Classic
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Oh! I didn’t realize we could modify the dropdowns! Now my only problem will be trying to get everyone exported correctly, so that I can reimport them… any advice there?
(because if I set Phone 2 Type to Mobile in the customize fields area - but have contacts with business phones there it will mess everything up, correct?)