Get Order details by Client details/API details

I want to get a specific order details by Client ID/Client Secret or Infusionsoft API details.If I use an accesstoken it will valid for specific time but I want to need a lifetime access token where I can get order
Please advice.

The is no lifetime access on access tokens. You must refresh the authorization between the client id/secret and the authorized app using a refresh token and then use the new set of tokens you are given. 24 hours is the time to live for any access token.

But the user cannot authorized multiple time or the single time.First a fall I need bellow requirement.

  1. After payment from the infusionsoft we get the order ID in our site.and I want to get all details from infusionsoft for this specific order ID without user authorization.If I use just URL like
    Just send order id or API details(I have all details like access token/API key/Secret).

WIthout allow permission.Also read Making OAuth Requests Without User Authorization - Keap Developer Portal but not able to implement this.Please help me.

Are you trying to get data from the api for multiple apps or an app you own?

No I used my own single App.

Please Help

If you are having issues correctly implementing authentication, may I recommend John Borelli’s video tutorial?

I have watched this video.But I need the specific order details by order id without API authentication.Please send me some raw code for retrive the order details.

I can implement this functionality with API authentication.But need without API authentication and with API key.

You have to get a user approval via OAuth in order to access their data. Even if the user is yourself. An easy way to accomplish this with out having to go through the user authorization (which you would only have to do once regardless), is to get an access token via Account Central using you developer client_id and client_secret. This will return the access token and the refresh token. You then get need to perpetually refresh your access token to keep it current. Hopefully that makes sense.

You can always use the old API Key method… It still works great.