Emails going to Junk folder

How can you configure emails so they do not go to recipients Junk folder?

Hi Chris, there are a number of factors that go into determining where an email will be “placed” once it arrives at someones inbox. The biggest ones are:

  1. Reputation
  2. Engagement

But beyond those basics, you probably will want to configure DKIM and SPF records for your app. This will authorize Infusionsoft to send on your behalf.

Check this out:

And if you happen to use BlueHost:

Good luck!

Oh, and here’s one more resource. This guide (from will help give you an overview of this whole conversation and some methods for determining IF you have an issue, and how severe it is.

A huge reason for having trouble with this would be SPF/DKIM/DMARC not being setup on your server or setup incorrectly:

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