Hello there,
I am a new IS user, so I would appreciate if somebody could help me and explain how a few things work.
First of all, I am creating a newsletter campaign including a call to action in every e-mail: one is to schedule a meeting and another one is request a callback. After a button “request a call back” is clicked, I want to get my client to a landing page where it says that we’ll contact him/her soon. Then a task to call him/her back is created.
The sequence is like that: an email----" request a call back" button------ “success” landing page----task created
The problem is that I can’t locate this exact landing page I created (already published) when I try to associate my “request a call back” button with a landing page. I wonder whether an URL of this landing page work the same?
Or is it a better way to do what I want to do?
Thanks in advance!