Discovered possible character limit for HTML coded emails

Hi everyone!

We are having difficulty preserving our HTML coded email templates. This is what we are running into.

Steps I ran through to create an HTML coded template:

  1. My Templates > Actions > Create HTML email.
  2. Pasted HTML code on the left, Code is visible on the left side, Details are complete, Preview is complete
  3. After Previewing, Details are distorted, but Test send is fine
  4. Saved and named our new template, then exited
  5. Went back to our newly saved template, Code is cut off, Details are distorted further, Preview is distorted, Test is distorted.

Character count before saving = 113,576
Character count after saving = 65,513

I am aware that HTML emails will clip depending on email client specifications. (Ex: Gmail clips emails over 102KB.)

I would like to know… is there a character or size limit for the new email builder itself?

Thank you!

I tested and can confirm it’s a 64kb limit …probably a SQL TEXT field limit.

Thanks for confirming Martin! Is there a possibility this limit will get increased in the future?

@Diane_Sellers, you might want to try using the legacy email code builder in this case. I was able to load 200k characters and it seems to be saving.

Thank you again!
Yes, we have had to resort to using legacy builder in the past. There are features of the new email builder which we would like to use though. Any possibility that could get updated in the future with the same load count?

Yes, please increase the 64kb limit. That is not very much at all.

I have very specifically designed emails from a branding and functionality standpoint and can’t use the Email Builder. The Create a Legacy Email Template seems to only work for editing an existing Legacy Email which I don’t have.