Custom email templates

I’m currently sending broadcasts on behalf of several clients through the email broadcast platform NewZapp. I’ve been able to get custom email templates designed for broadcasts and was wondering if this kind of thing was also available in Infusionsoft.

I’ve seen the example templates available when I insert an email into my campaign, but I had something less minimalist in mind with a stylised background instead of plain white. Is this kind of thing possible to have developed? Would it be through a Keap service or could I hire our designer to produce it and have Keap upload it to our client’s account?

Has anybody had experience with this or seen any template designs that weren’t minimalist with plain white backgrounds?



There is no way to add a background image using the builder. If you wanted to really work on customization, you’d have to use the Legacy HTML templates (but they are clunky). Also no way to ‘import’ a design that you’ve created (again, that would fall into having a template designed in HTML and then running the whole HTML email through the legacy email templates).


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Ah, that doesn’t sound optimal. In what ways are the HTML legacy templates clunky? Is it because they’re unable to make use of the drag and drop?

What would you suggest I do? Unless my only option is to bite the bullet and submit to a more minimalistic email template for broadcasts…

They are not natively mobile responsive and they have an older HTML interface for editing - on drag and drop.
If it were me, I’d “bite the bullet” and go with the plain background (you can change the color — but can’t ad an image).


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Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll consider changing up the theme to a more minimalist layout.
