Create a quote instead of invoice using the REST API

We want to be able to create an automated quote using the API. Right now we are creating invoices but the buttons are print and pay now instead of “Accept” and “Deny”. And it says “amount due today”.

This is for a quote

This is for invoices

If it is not possible to do this through the API, it would be nice if we could change the content of the button Menu => E-commerce => Settings => Quotes & Invoices

Hi, @Marcos_Centeno,

Unfortunately, while orders and invoices are completely available to the api, quotes are a new feature (something like six months old) and the there are no versions of the api that have access to quote data exposed to it. So you won’t be able to do anything directly with quotes using any of the versions of the api that are available. I would consider suggesting that as a feature request at which is the place to request updates/features because the more that request it the higher it will climb on the priority ladder :wink:

I will do that, Thank You