Connecting custom fields to zapier, in order to create italian factures

I need your help now, today maximum within this week.

We need the ability to link the custom fields that are created by you such as the C.F. with the service as it currently does not see the custom fields.

Zapier can see all the fields of a contact, but the CUSTOM FIELDS doesn’t. Of the “custom fields” we need just two fields: CODICE FISCALE and PARTITA IVA.

If you see our custom fields they are: I need the option CUSTOM FIELDS where there are: Attività
Tipo Abbonamento, vecchi clienti, Data Vecchi contratti, Contratti Restanti, Possibili Altri Contatti, Recensione, Tipo di Abbonamento, P.IVA, CODICE FISCALE, CREDENZIALI CLIENTE FASTWEB and

I repeat: Of these options I need just two: CODICE FISCALE and P.IVA to produce the factures of client with Zapier. Without CF (CODICE FISCALE) we can’t do it, and we will change crm disactivate Keap.

This is picture of custom fields of one contact Schermata-2022-07-13-alle-13-46-40 — ImgBB. And this are all datas have one: contact Schermata-2022-07-13-alle-13-46-38 — ImgBB

Hey there,

I found this comment in another thread that seems like it should work for your needs, though it might end up providing all Custom Fields.

Notably, we do provide endpoints that integrations like Zapier can utilize on their end to retrieve Contact custom fields and associated data for you:


@Valerio_Raponi - Firstly, I would raise a Support Ticket with Zapier about this. It seems pretty bad for this issue to still be occurring 4 years later.

If you need something more quickly, try out Make, they have something similar to Zapier and can handle the Custom Fields - Keap Integration | Workflow Automation | Make

As for Michael suggestion, you would need a developer to create a script for you.