Whenever I log-in to my infusionsoft account, the keap logo just keeps on running in circles, after maybe a half an hour, error message says that I’m not a user. Now I switch to tethering from my phone, I was able to log-in, not back to my wifi, not able to log-in. How do I fix this?
Two options.
Option 1: If you have another admin user on the account. Have them delete you and re-add you.
Option 2: Talk to support. This happened on my Keap Pro Account about 3 months ago. They were able to re-add me but it takes some time for this to work. As I recall, I was on chat for about 2 hours before we already fixed it. BTW: Option 1 was what they told me to do. Since I had another user, I added myself with another email address but have had no issues since then.