What API would I use to create custom tables on the fly?
Can we create relations between Records?
Can we query Custom Fieldsand if so how do I do it.
I am looking for any documentation about this and or an API that may help.
What API would I use to create custom tables on the fly?
Can we create relations between Records?
Can we query Custom Fieldsand if so how do I do it.
I am looking for any documentation about this and or an API that may help.
Hi RJ, the API documentation is here.
But in short, you “can” create relationships between contacts using what are called Linked Contact Records. In my experience, they’re generally not as helpful as people would like.
If you’re looking for something that helps manage relationships between contacts, you might look at Macanta. it’s an alternate front end for Infusionsoft, and for many folks it’s exactly what they’re been looking for. I’m sure @Pieter_K_de_Villiers could tell you a little more about it!