Attempts to embed YouTube video into an email are failing

When I try to use the YouTube snippet to embed a video into an email template, I get a “video unavailable” message. Tried with multiple videos.

Two things to check:

  1. You are only inserting the ’sharable link’ from the video (ex:— not the entire embed code.

  2. Make sure the video is listed as ‘Allow Embedding’ (in the ‘advanced’ section of the YouTube settings).

Check those two things and see if that solves it.


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Just to be sure, you do understand that the video doesn’t play inside the email right?

I’m asking because it’s far more common to take a single image from the video and use that with a link to open youtube with the video playing in a new tab.

Current security with most email clients don’t permit the playing of video’s directly in emails and with that understanding, the easiest thing to do would be to just use the image approach.

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