Are API Key Rate Limits shared by different infusionsoft accounts?

Hey everyone.

I am new here. Lately, I am working on the infusionSoft API and trying to build up my own application to communicate with Infusionsoft REST API.

Let’s say I created an application named “skymethods” and I am using OAuth to request access token or refresh token

If this key in the above picture gets several infusionsoft accounts’ permission to interact with them, does the “125,000 Calls per day” limit apply each one of them, like each infusionsoft account has 125,000 calls limit? or this key in the above picture can only make “125,000 calls per day” regardless how many infusionsoft accounts interact with it?

BTW, I read the
It says

You are limited to a total of 125,000 api calls per day (25 calls per second max) across all Infusionsoft applications you are sending data to.

Does the “across all infusionsoft applications” mean that the application named “skymethds” in above picture can make 125,000 API calls no matter how many infusion accounts allow it to access?

I really hope I make my question clear and please forgive me if it doesn’t.

Thank you

The throttle applies to the client_id. Most developers have only one client_id per application (skymethods in this case). So no matter how many Infusionsoft Accounts are accessed with this client_id the throttle will be all rolled up. Hope this helps.

Thank you very much for your reply. It’s very helpful.