Alert notification to assigned owner of imported lead

I import new leads into KEAP and then assign them to the sales rep. They do not receive a notification that they have a new lead? How can I change this? I need them to get an automated alert of a new lead assigned to them.

Also, is there a way to have KEAP auto-assign ownership of a lead to a rep who covers a specific state? Example: John Doe covers Texas. I import a lead whose contact address state is texas. Can this lead be auto-assigned to John Doe? And can John Doe automatically receive a notification of a new lead assigned to him?


My understanding is you wish to import leads to Keap and then assign an owner based the state in which the lead is located so the representative from your team who covers that state is assigned to the lead and the representative also gets notified.

One way to achieve what you’re describing could be through an Advanced Automation. Please review my notes below regarding how this can be implemented for your proposed scenario:

A. Create an advanced automation and add an entry point that splits off into several sequences to assign to different owners:

B. Update the decision diamond to send contacts to different sequences, based on the value of the ‘State’ field on their contact record:

Location in Automation:

Location in Sequence:

C. Update the ownership assignment sequences to use the ‘Assign an Owner’ functionality to set the corresponding owner:

Location in Automation:

Location in Sequence:

D. Add a ‘Notify Owner of New Lead Assignment’ sequence to the end of the automation and set the email to be sent to ~Owner.Email~:

Location in Automation:

Location in Sequence:

To Email Address:

You can customize the message needed for your representative to merge a combination of the Contact’s information and the Owner’s Information:

The automation above assumes contacts who are added to the automation still need assignment and that their representatives need notified. Feel free to adjust as needed to suit your needs.

This is incredible. You are awesome. Thank you so so so much.