Thanks for the reply Greg. I’ve used the Reporting tab in the campaign builder to conduct some new searches in past but when using a date range, it no longer gives you the option to expand a goal and look at the list of contacts within it.
I’m really starting to think that it’s impossible to set up a search that gives me the data I need which is pretty upsetting. I’m racking my brains for a way to display it but I can’t think of a way to do it.
I need to somehow target a group of contacts that received a certain tag between 2 dates. Then take those contacts and cross-reference them against a list of tags and how many of those tags the contact has received (ever). It’s hard even to describe it!.
My client basically wants to be able to ask me “Can you show me a chart of how far each lead we generated in January got to in the sales process before dropping out into LTN, opting out or otherwise staying where they are.” There just doesn’t seem to be that functionality anywhere within Infusionsoft and I wouldn’t know where to begin on looking for an app in the marketplace that could help me perform this kind of query.
The end result would be a triangle shape, with the base number of contacts in the Enquiry phase, about 60% go on to book a demonstration, 70% of those go on to Accept the proposal, 95% of those follow-through with training… etc etc.
I’ve abandoned the idea that this can be an automated system usable from the dashboard and I’ll just have to be an intermediary whenever they want to run a report like this.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I just thought of something involving a new custom field that would represent a contact’s farthest progression through the pipeline. If at each stage when a new Phase tag is applied it also runs a process to update that custom field accordingly, then we could have a metric in which we can measure their distance before becoming a cold lead. The only issues that would remain are being able to target a group based on when they received a certain tag (Enquiry Phase tag) and being able to display the number of contacts with each custom field value as a whole number instead of a list of names.
EDIT 2: What if I setup a campaign for running queries WITHIN the campaign builder. I can set up a decision diamond that looks at the custom field I mentioned above, then sort any contacts I enter into it into the correct groups, then I can just count how many contacts were filtered into each sequence and add them sequentially from bottom to top. I could set them on course to the decision diamond by applying a tag to all the contacts I want to test, it’s just getting that list of “everyone who received the Enquiry Phase tag in January” list of people to apply the tag to.
EDIT 3: I just realised that my point earlier about not being able to look at the list of contacts tagged between a certain time period is total rubbish and I can in fact do that! This is it, the final piece to the puzzle, I can apply a tag to ALL contacts that received the Enquiry Phase tag between 2 dates as per the client’s request. It will enter them into the Query campaign, run them through the diamond and sort by the custom field and give me live figures of where they’re CURRENTLY at or ended up at before moving to LTN (moving to LTN won’t update the field). Then I can apply another tag once the report is done to clear out the machine. Screenshot - 1235bf9ac5ba5ff6c47f617e0ec9bfdf - Gyazo
EDIT 4: Now it will tell me tell me whether or not they’ve stopped at that Phase because they’re still in there or if they stopped there due to being moved to Long-Term Nurture (or opting out).
Screenshot - db980203033409ecd3d7f4c5b02fe2f2 - Gyazo I really hope this isn’t flawed in some way I can’t see.
Sorry for the longest reply you’ve ever received and thank you again for all your help!