Where do I add new people into Sale Rep Info

I am trying to add new sales people into the system but can not see find the function to add people into Sale Rep Info.

is it a member of staff?

yes these are people that sell for us. So as seen on the opportunity above, I need to add people onto this drop down menu. But I can’t find the place to do it.Thanks so much for your help. I looked at users and adding users but that didn’t work.

Yes, these are people that sell for us. So as seen on the opportunity above, I need to add people onto this drop down menu. But I can’t find the place to do it. Thanks so much for your help. I looked at users and adding users but that didn’t work. –

From the Admin section go to Users and add user. It will depend on your licence to see how many people you can have, you can tag them as a person type ie: Sales Rep, and in the Admin section you can turn on and off user permissions. If you can’t add users, its probably something to do with your licence. Hope this helps :blush:

Nikki Wakeford | Franchise Sales
Tel: 01322 555128 Direct: 01322 318904 Mobile: 07880 344061 Email: nikkiwakeford@nolettinggo.co.ukimage001.jpg

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ive just emailed you. :slight_smile: