Hi Guys…need help to find the best webinar platform for IS…we’re currently using Everwebinar.
I’m not sure what the “best” is, because that likely depends on a whole bunch of variables, but I have been using and loving Demio. And it does have “like live” options similar to EverWebinar, and a native Infusionsoft integration that does pretty much everything I’d want.
I don’t know how relevant it would be but another “angle” to answer by would be the most commonly used one, which is Zoom… by the numbers that is.
Thanks @Greg_Jenkins. How do I upload a pre-recorded webinar? Can I use a private listed video?
Here ya go: http://help.demio.com/like-live-replays
I have been using Demio for automated webinars and after trying most of the other platforms, this had the best automated features and price (50% reduction for non-profits). I am looking at activating the IS integration but wonder about the shortfall of having to change my IS password every 90 days which would then break the Demio integration unless I remember to remove and add it again with the new credentials. Has anyone got a workaround for this? I wonder if I was to use a ‘dummy’ IS account (that no one ever uses and therefor is never prompted to change its password) if the integration with Demio will keep working beyond 90 days?
I also Demio, and have for a few years - I haven’t had to update my connection between Demio and Infusionsoft at all. I think once you’ve authenticated it you’re good to go.