URL Link in Email

I have added a URL to text in my email broadcast and when I send a test email to check the URL is working it redirects me to another link and says page cannot be found.
Can anyone help on how to fix the link to make sure it’s going to the correct site

All hyperlinks in the email direct to InfusionSoft first for analytics then the user is forwarded to the intended page. What is the URL that cannot be found?

Hi Matthew

The link we are using is: https://www.givergy.uk/UWSsummerauction/?controller=home


Hi Leanne,

Ok, that’s strange as clearly that URL works. Does the link in the email (not in InfuisonSoft, in your email client) point to something like https://myapp.infusion-links.com/api/v1/click/0123456789/0123456789 ?

Maybe something got corrupted when you created the link, have you tried removing the link and adding it again? Or maybe your app name has changed and the old link in the email is no longer directing properly?

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for your reply.

We actually got it working in the end
