I have been able to do the following methods: GET, POST, and DELETE.
My problem is the PATCH. I am unable to update the products…
What I have done:
-added public $updateVerb = ‘patch’; in ProductService instead of default put to follow docs
Code to update:
$product = $app->infusionsoft->products()->find($payload[“id”]);
//the code above works, it returns the product
$product->product_desc = “Updated!”;
$result = $product->save();
response I get is:
“error: Client error: PATCH https://api.infusionsoft.com/crm/rest/v1/products/39?access_token=******************
resulted in a 400 Bad Request
response:\n{"message":"Unrecognized property: id"}\n”
Can anybody point me to the right direction?