Suggested Feature: Payment Action on Refund

Hi Everyone,

A really helpful feature would be to have a Billing Automation trigger created for payment refunds. This could have a wide and flexible usage for many scenarios, not just the one mentioned below.

Here is the real life scenario that happened, the why I want this.

  • Customer purchased a product and was placed automatically into the associated campaign
  • Customer later requested a refund which was given a few days later
  • Refunds do not automatically remove customer contacts from campaigns, you have to do this manually and I forgot to do so
  • Remaining in the campaign sequence the customer received access to the product when the live class started (on the start date)
  • At that point I manually removed the customer from the campaign and thought how do I automate removal via a refund?

Billing Automation > Refund Trigger
If there were a billing automation refund trigger you could associate an action to each product and then have that action apply a tag which could jump the customer out of the campaign through a Tag Applied campaign end goal being met.

Heh presto, when you issue a refund for a product the customer is jumped out of your campaign sequence. If any other tags need to be removed or actions taken you could add those in as well firing off the refund trigger based on which product is selected.

Looking for positive votes for this suggestion so Infusionsoft can consider under the ticket suggestion made for…

Case Number: 01329782

Please reply if you think this is a good idea or have some other neat solution to refunds removing customer contacts from campaigns automatically.


Here is a previous discussion on this:

Thanks so much Martin some good points in that discussion. I much appreciate the referral link.


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