The documentation:
The only required field to update the account profile is:
"address": {
"field": "OTHER"
… however, that will trigger a modal on the MaxClassic UI once the user logs in, asking for the missing required fields.
When GETting the account profile the country_code is returned as a two character code. However, when sending a PUT request to satisfy all of the MaxClassic UI required fields, the country_code must be submitted as as three character code.
This means that if you GET the account profile, you can’t update it until you correct the country codes in the list of possible addresses that can be submitted.
This is what’s really required to satisfy the UI requirements for MaxClassic:
"name": "My Company Name",
"address": {
"field": "OTHER",
"line1": "123 Business St",
"locality": "Businessburg",
"region": "Alabama",
"zip_code": "54321",
"country_code": "USA"