HI, I've been trying to to get the oath process working but I’ve been struggling with requesting the access token. I have triple checked that all the details are correct (client_id and secret) and that the status is indeed Active yet I'm getting an invalid_client error message back when attempting to request an access token. Here is the full response I get when making the request using the Postman application:
Cache-Control →no-store
Connection →keep-alive
Content-Length →26
Content-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date →Sat, 02 Sep 2017 12:24:08 GMT
Pragma →no-cache
Server →Mashery Proxy
WWW-Authenticate →Basic realm="api.infusionsoft.com"
X-Error-Detail-Header →Account Inactive
X-Mashery-Error-Code →ERR_403_DEVELOPER_INACTIVE
X-Mashery-Responder →prod-j-worker-us-west-1b-62.mashery.com
When attempting to do the same but in code the application just hangs forever without ever receiving a response back. Any help would be greatly appreciated; I have already gone through all relevant forum posts and gone through the documentation but non of it has solved my issue. Thanks in advance.