Need Help Hosting a Webform on our Website using Thrive

Hi everyone! We are working on a new campaign and have created a web form that needs to be hosted on our website using Thrive. I am new to Infusionsoft and have no idea how to do this, so rather than spend hours looking for the answer I thought I’d ask someone.
Any help or answers are greatly appreciated!

Hi Taylor:
Welcome to the forum.

In order to have your Web Form (not landing page) show up on your Thrive themed site, you will go into ‘code’ tab, click the ‘unstyled HTML’ button and copy the code that is in there. You can then Paste that into an HTML widget inside the Thrive theme.

Hope that helps.

Jeff Arnold

4Spot Marketing •
11700 W Charleston #170-160 • Las Vegas • NV • 89135
O: 702-721-9763 • C: 702-525-9763