Legacy Key Sunsetting

Thanks @Pav
Yes, my understanding is that Typeform is now just sending people to the Zapier integration so they don’t have ot maintain the direct connection.

@Paola_Duran If you don’t have a Zapier account yet, I’d suggest Make. They have an easier interface and with the free version, you get 1000 actions per month (and overall their pricing is lower).
With the link above, you get a ton of free actions the first month to get you started (I’m a Gold Partner with them, so we get free actions for those we send over).

Please let me know if you have questions.


Jeff Arnold
4Spot Consulting • 4SpotConsulting.com
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Thanks for your help. I understand Keap is a Native integration for Leadpages, so I don`t need to worry about the API key. Is that correct?.

Thank you for the help, Jeff. Those are bad news :frowning: More integrations, more apps, more budget…

With Make, you get 1000 actions for free, and you may be able to accomplish it with a 2-step scenario, so that would give you 500 entries per month.

@Paola_Duran, LeadPages has the Native integration for Keap. You just need to authorize the Keap Connection for Leadpages. No need to worry about the Legacy API Key as it will use OAuth.

Regarding your comment to Jeff. When integrating to different platforms, there is always going to be a risk something will change or break in the future. Typeform made a decision to go down the Zapier route for their own technical reasons. Probably lucky you do not have any custom scripts written, as that may become costly to fix.

Thank you. I looked at our third party integrations and I don’t think that it. So it must be some custom script that has been running for years without interventions. How do I figure out what it is? Do we need to hire a developer to investigate? It seems beyond my limited understanding.

@Becca_Olave, maybe a good idea to check with your work colleagues. Someone in the past may have had a custom script developed, or they installed a third party integration which still uses the Legacy API Key.

Tracking it down will be a problem if you do not know what it is. If you own a Web Server, then it maybe possible that the script be on there. But someone would need to a thorough check for it.

Double check your integration connections to see if you see the presence of the Legacy API Key. If you see a match, then check if it has support to authorize a connection instead.

If you ask Keap they will just provide the number of API calls against the method being used, which may not be ideal, as it does not tell you exactly what it is.

@Pav If someone in the past had a custom script developed (which is totally possible) they are no longer with our company.

The only third party applications we have are: Zapier, ClickFunnels, Outgrow_Infusionsoft, Spamkill, and Fix_Your_Funnel

We do not own a Web Server.

I tried asking Keap Support for help and they referred me here. Not sure where to go from here.

Hi Tom!

I received an email from Keap saying I have 12 API calls for my app. No third-party app are showing up in my Keap settings. A Keap tech was able to use a tool they have to check on this for me. Awesome Screenshot

Is there a way I can figure out where these API calls are coming from?


The best we have is user agent and IP. If you reply to the support case asking for the IPs, we can pull them for you.

Note: The 3rd Party section of the API settings is showing OAuth connected clients. Legacy Key usage will not show up there.

Will do. Thanks!

Hi @Cheryl_Ragin,

To help you narrow down things. The “XML-RPC for PHP version 4.3.2” User Agent refers to the original Infusionsoft Software Development Kit, also known as “iSDK”, or “Legacy iSDK”.

Version 4.3.2 was released on 2019-05-27. So that means you some developed a custom script for you 5+ years ago using the Legacy API Key.

Do you have a Web Server? If so, then the custom developed script could be sitting on there.
Main files are called “isdk.php” (SDK Functions), “conn.cfg.php” (Configuration).

@Becca_Olave, you need to do what @Cheryl_Ragin did in getting a Keap Technician to provide you a screenshot of the API Calls User Agent.

If they can give you that information, then it maybe possible to backtrack to what maybe using the Legacy API Key.

I received the IPs. It looks like the calls are coming from a web form, but I could be wrong. Can someone take a look at the screenshots below to help me troubleshoot further? TIA

@Cheryl_Ragin, can you fully expand Column “V”, as that initially indicates to me that a PHP Custom Script using the Legacy iSDK is being used.

The IP Address “” points to HostGator. Do you have a HostGator (https://www.hostgator.com/) account?


Yes, my company has a non-profit website that’s hosted by Hostgator. I built the site, but I’ve never added any PHP Custom Scripts. Could it be the Infusionsoft/Keap web form be the source of the API calls?

Here’s what’s in Column “V”: XML-RPC for PHP 4.3.2

Good afternoon Cheryl!

Forms will only be using a Legacy Key if custom-built, not created inside Infusionsoft/Keap.

Yes! I would love to see which Apps are using the legacy keys. I’ve literally got so many third party apps!

Can someone please assist, which apps are likely to be using this GuzzleHttp/7


@Cheryl_Ragin, as mentioned in my other reply.

Version 4.3.2 of the Legacy iSDK was released on 2019-05-27.

Revising on what I initially said, if you do not have a custom script, then it is possible that you installed a third party integration. Did you ever installed “Pocket Developer” (Pocket Developer) from “The API Guys” company?

Check if there is any files on Hostgator called “isdk.php” and “conn.cfg.php”.