I am having issues with the screen scaling for the Outlook plugin. I have attached a s
creen shot as an example:It appears that your PC display settings are set to magnify text. If you right click on your desktop, and click Screen Resolution, you will have access to an option titled ‘Make Text and Other Items Larger or Smaller’. Click on this.

You will want to make sure that your text is preferably set to ‘Smaller 100%’ I was able to set it to Medium 125% and there wasn’t much overlapping, but if you have it set to ‘Larger 150%’ there is the overlap that I see in your screenshot.
I’m having the same issue, only I cannot change the text scaling, as that makes all of the other text too small to read. I have a higher resolution on my screen and that makes this all very difficult to reconcile. If I turn down the resolution, the scaling can be lowered but the resolution is terrible and makes me think my contacts are not working! What else can be done?