I’m using a WordPress plugin called Thrive Ovation to collect testimonials and display them on a client’s site. The API Access settings for their application are all set to default still and I’m not sure what I should be entering into these fields to set it up.
The fields are client_id and client_secret. And I’m assuming the Generate API Token button will give me the API key I need. What should I enter for these fields?
Typically the client ID is the 5 digit code before Infusionsoft.com (ex: xy301.infusionsoft.com) – xy301 is the ID.
The API code is found in Admin – Settings – Application down toward the bottom. If never generated, you need to enter a code for the system to encrypt, otherwise there will be a code that is already there – just copy that.
Jeff Arnold, President
4Spot Marketing
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4Spot Marketing • 4SpotMarketing.com
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Actually, client_id and client_secret are in reference to OAuth and are not found in your app. The only api related value you’ll find in your app will be the api key but that is a different form of authentication and if they’re asking for id/secret values then it is most definitely OAuth. You have to create an account and register for those keys at:
This will give you a set of mashery developer tokens to use.