How to search contacts from external list with emails

I have a list of my contacts from another system that I would like to tag. How can I do a search that pulls the 3300 emails from my excel file so I can tag them. I don’t want to import the list or I will have redundant contacts. Please advise id someone has done this.

Hi Bill, to clarify these contacts have been imported is that right?

Hi Amanda,

Yes they are already contacts that are imported.



Perfect, Every import assigns an import tag. You can go to CRM > Contacts and search under Tags for “Import [date time stamp]”

You can also go to Admin > Import Data > Previously Imported

and then click “View”

Thank You! I am not sure if we are on the same page and I am probably not explaining it correctly. Let me try again…I have ~4100 contacts and I have sorted a list of 3300 in a .CVS format from the existing 4100.

If want to send an email to the 3300 and I import them again that increases my list to 7400 and the 3300 I just imported are now redundant contacts. This also is over my account limit of 5000. Does that make sense?