How can landing page titles (html title tags) be edited? All of mine just say "index"

The landing page builder seems to indicate that when creating a new landing page, the title you give it will be “visible to visitors”, thus one would deduce that we’re assigning the page’s title tag. But when the page is live, the title tag just displays as “index”.

Has anyone figured out how to change/edit this element?

Whelp… I found the answer to my own question. Here’s the steps for those who might be looking for this solution in the future.

  1. In the landing page builder, click Pages in the left column.
  2. Then click the gear (Settings) icon to the right of the page you want to edit
  3. This pulls up a modal form with all the SEO settings for the page (title tag, meta description, search engine indexing options)


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Hi Brody, I can’t see the Page Settings you mention here in this solution. I can only see SEP Description. Please help?

Hi @Sue_Ellar,

In the Landing Page Editor this is where you go to modify the Page Title.