I want to charge a deposit fee for a class that may not start for a couple of months, then I want to start the balance of the payment when the class starts. So I have a moving deposit date, but I need a fixed order date for the class, without having the student having to enter their credit card again.
For example, someone puts down a $100 deposit on July 15th for a class that starts on Sept 1st. I’d like to start the payment plan (let’s say $400/month for 6 months) for the class on Sept 1st. Someone else might put down the deposit on August 5th, and I would still like the payments to start on Sept 1st. So I can’t use relative time (e.g., 30 day delay) for the 2nd billing date.
Someone explained how to do it using Legacy Order Forms, but I have classic and I can’t access Legacy Order Forms.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been doing this manually and I would like to automate it somehow.
Thanks so much!