Getting Error while adding a card to infusionsoft?

Hello All,
I am facing an error while saving card to infusionsoft “ERROR: -1 - Failed to invoke method add in class com.infusionsoft.api.xmlrpc.XmlRpcDataService: null”.
And this is the process I have used:-

  1. Creating contact in infusionsoft .
  2. Validation card.
  3. Save credit card to infusion-soft.
    I am getting error on step 3 for some users while working fine for others. Please have a look on it.
    This is the cade I am using.

$cardId = $obj_eII->dsAdd(“CreditCard”, $data); and this is the data I am passing
[CardType] => **********
[ContactId] => **********
[CardNumber] =>***************
[ExpirationMonth] => *****
[ExpirationYear] => ****
[CVV2] => ***
[NameOnCard] => ******
[Email] => ******
[BillZip] => ******
[BillCountry] => *****
[BillAddress1] =>*****.
[BillCity] => ***
[Status] => 3
And I got “ERROR: -1 - Failed to invoke method add in class com.infusionsoft.api.xmlrpc.XmlRpcDataService: null” from infusionsoft.

Is that how you are passing the data or is that a var_dump of the array?

its the var dump of the data. Actually, we are not passing “State” field when I pass state field’s value then the problem resolved.
But earlier its working fine without State/Province value.

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