Field names on the REST json do NOT match the XML-RPC names

We are trying to do an API with our Infusionsoft apps for a proprietary desktop application. We try sending calls on the test site and application and it works. We make the exact same calls and get error messages. We believe this is due to the inaccuracies in the API documentation.

The standard Infusionsoft field names do not match the legacy names. Does anyone know what the actual field names are for the API calls? Does anyone have some examples on how they send the requests for custom fields using either the REST or XML-RPC?

Also why do the custom fields only show ID numbers in the documentation and when you run a test for your app and not field names?

Lastly does anyone know if it is possible to query a list of contacts based on Owned ID using the REST call?

Hi @Arthur_Barlow, the REST documentation should have accurate field names. If you find a field name that appears to be incorrect please let us know.

You’re correct that some field names have changed from XML-RPC to REST but it represents the naming standard we will be using going forward. Part of the change that we’ve made is a shift away from using the database field names when referencing custom fields and instead using their id field. You can find contact custom field ids via this REST endpoint. There are similar model endpoints for each record type that has custom fields.

Lastly there isn’t currently a way to retrieve a list of contacts for a given Owner ID via REST. Your only option would be to use XML-RPC DataService.findByField or DataService.query.

Thanks for the response! Where inside my Infusionsoft apps can I get a list of the ID’s for our customer fields?

If you hover over a link to an object in the UI, it will show the ID in the status bar. It’s not the most intuitive way to find it.

Do you have a screenshot example you can share? I’ve tried this in a few areas of the UI and am not seeing anything.

Thanks for your help!

Hovering over the “Edit” link will give you the ID.