Is want to export orders from Infusionsoft and noticed there is no way to add SKU and QTY from orders to be included in export file, whats the purpose of this export if we can’t export essential component of and order?
A lot of the reports will just contain the main parts and not every piece of information.
With Orders you have Line Items which can contain a combination of Product, Shipping, Tax entries. So where do you put that information when it could vary with different types and sizes?
You would be better off storing a copy of the data in a separate database and running your own set of database queries to produce the necessary reports.
the SKU and QTY filed values are available in automated fulfillment report, i think these should also be available if we want to download orders so that we can easily export the data and pass to third party
I took a look at the Fulfillment Reports section, and I can see there is no way you can access that via the API.
What are you exactly doing? Or was it just a complaint about the lack of data in the Orders report?
If it was the latter, i doubt Keap will change that given that the reports have not changed for many years.