I have integrated my Clickfunnels account with Keap Pro. When a person registers to a page via click funnels they are added specific tags of a campaign. There is a course that I provide for free with purchase of a specific other course. So I have included the tag for 2 courses in a campaign. But it doesn’t add the contact to the other campaign. It only adds it to the tags in the campaign and to existing campaign email series. But not the other campaign. What should I do if I want the email series of other campaign to get kicked off as well (the free course one).
Thanks for replying. Yes it does create contact and give them both the tags. But it only adds it to the campaign with which it is connected.
Here is a campaign. Funnels A of clickfunnel is connnect to Campaign B in KEAP. B has tag C and D. Tag D belong to a different campaign E where it kicks off different email series. When someone registers via A their contact details are saved in B and the tags C and D are applied to the contact as well. But the email sequence in E is doesn’t kick off.