We only ship to 3 countries including the USA. Does anyone have a workaround, coding, javascript, to display only the 3 countries we currently ship to? LInk to shopping cart: https://ft329.infusionsoft.com/app/storeFront/showStoreFront
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I assume we’re talking about an Infusionsoft order form or shopping cart? Do you have a link? (you know, just to humor me lol)
Hi John,
Of course, https://ft329.infusionsoft.com/app/storeFront/showStoreFront
So there is a way with Javascript to clear the contents of the country drop down and then simply re-add the three you want. I’m off to a meeting but I’ll see how simple I can make it later this evening.
Thanks, John. I don’t expect a freebie - you may charge for this service. Terri
John - the new html works except now there is no choice for united states and no one can order in country.Terri