Quote custom number

Hello There,

I am trying to figure out how to custom quote number.
Hope someone can help me.
Thank you

Please provide details of what you are asking.

Hi Jeff.
The quote number start with 0001,
i want to know how if i want to custom it start with 1000 for example.
Thank you

Ok. I’m not aware of a way to do this, so let’s see what the community has to say.

I’m agreeing with @Jeff_Arnold here, I don’t think that is possible @James_Pritchett, sorry



James here from AAV Media. Are you saying that it is not possible to change the quote no. for the quotes generated in Keap?

If not, am I expected to send quotes to my clients starting from no. 1 which makes us look amateur and unexperienced?

You would have to discuss this with Infusionsoft Support but in both Jeff and mine opinion you can’t override it.

All the best
