I’m using the official python library with python 2.7 and django.
I’m not sure if this is the best method but I want to add a tag onto every contact I create using my api. For example, when I create a contact using the api on my production server I want to tag it “production”. When on staging, tag it “staging”. etc.
The idea is to later fire off email sequences for every new contact with a “production” tag.
I could also fire off test email sequences for those with “staging” tags.
Following the example code for the lib I am adding contacts using:
contact = {‘Email’: ‘me@example.com’}
infusionsoft.ContactService(‘add’, contact)
I’m guessing there is a way to add a field for tags in the contact JSON?
I’m not sure how since the example doesn’t match the documentation body examples.
I tried adding “tag_ids”, “tags”…