Payments to me

Hi there, I’m new to Infusionsoft and very grateful to find this community!

I had an order in a few days ago for £49.97, but I’ve only received £28.83 into my bank account. There’s no explanation for why there’s the shortfall. What should I do about it?

Also, as a result I’m trying to find a report on how much has been sent to my bank account this month, but I can only find reports on orders received into my Infusionsoft account.

Can anyone advise?

Many thanks



Are you using Keap Pay or your own processor?

If you have Keap pay, that is administered through wepay and all of your reports that will show how much money has been sent to your bank account will be inside of the wepay website.

If you’re using your own credit card processor, like, it is quite possible that they have a percentage of your payments on hold. If you’re new to Infusionsoft because you are new to business, quite often credit card processors take a percentage of your money and hold it in a reserve account for the first 6 to 12 months to make sure they have money available in case somebody asks for a refund. None of that has anything to do with Infusionsoft self.


Hi Jeff,

Many thanks for your quick reply!

Yes, I’m using Keap Pay. How do I access the wepay website and login?


When you set up your account you should have gotten an email from WePay with the info.
If not, get with Infusionsoft support to find out what you need to do.


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Ahhh no I didn’t get that. Thanks Jeff, I’ll get on to Infusionsoft…