I submitted a ticket on April 5, landing pages would not load to work on them even though they were published and working. Today April 6th, they worked for a while maybe an hour, but it is back to acting up and can not see it. I checked other landing pages I have to see if it was just this 1 and it is not. all of them do the same thing “ITS A WHITE OUT”. so running advertising to these pages is LOST money. need some resolution.
I’ve got the same issue. It was working earlier today, but has not since noonish pacific time zone. Has Infusionsoft/ Keap acknowledged?
Same here. I’m messaging Support. I’ll let you know what I hear. @Kelly_Morgan @Raymond_Phair @Darrin_Gross
Landing pages started working again about 15 minutes ago. Support leaders are aware of the issue and are investigating.
They have an open ticket but I have all my landing pages many down hard with ads running in tax season that is coming to a close.
Mine were working briefly yesterday after I posted here, but they are again not working. Has anyone else had their issue resolved?
I have been consistently having a problem with one of my landing pages. Another seems to work pretty consistently. I am not sure what the difference is. I submitted a ticket last week and haven’t heard anything.