Legacy API Key - is the Brownout live?

I had an email saying legacy API keys for our Keap app (it’s the only app that uses them according to the email) will not work during brownouts. We’re currently in a brownout, but I can still use Keap and our web order forms are still working. Does that mean I don’t have an issue to resolve? Thanks

Hi @Ian_Locke,

Keap application, Order Forms, Web Forms will carry on running as normal.

What you have is an integration via a third party service, or a custom script that has been developed that is using the Legacy API Key.

Has any of your third party integrations that connect to Keap stop working?

The best thing to do is to ask Keap Support for a Legacy API Key Usage Report to see how many API Calls are happening over a 30 day period. If you have 1000s of calls then you need to find the integrations and see if you can update them to use alternative connection methods.

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Thank you Pav, that is very helpful and stops me from banging my head against a brick wall. As at now, I have no idea where our API calls are coming from as everything seems to be working. I’ll speak to Keap as you suggest.