I have published the TXT and Cname to Godaddy. The instructions state:
DNS settings for this setup would look something like this:
- ‘@ forwards 301 to www’
- ‘www CNAME yourapp.infusionsoft.com’
Does anyone know where this is supposed to go? The A (admin on the DNS) says PARKED which is partly why the domain does not work. But I cannot get any of the instructions above to work. Thoughts?
Click ‘add’ at the bottom and put in the Name and Content like this:

Thank you Jeff! Since this domain will be the main landing page, do you know how to structure the 301 forward so the “Parked” will be removed? I have tried multiple options, but Godaddy’s system does not take them. So not quite sure how the imput looks.
DNS settings for this setup would look something like this:
- ‘@ forwards 301 to www’
- ‘www CNAME yourapp.infusionsoft.com’
you configure that inside GoDaddy whenever you get your website up and running.
You will redirect the DNS based on your hosting company instructions.

Thank you Jeff for reaching out. Sadly Godaddy CS indicates it is the Infusionsoft SSL that is failing. So now back to them. I feel like a yo-yo…haha