Getting Phone Types

Is there a way to get the Phone Types via the API. I looked and couldn’t find it.


There is a list supplied by the selector in the Infusionsoft Application UI of [“Work”,“Home”,“Mobile”,“Other”], but any type may be supplied when creating or updating a contact record via the API (“Broker”,“Back Office”, etc).

I guess my question was unclear.

When in Infusionsoft if you go to CRM → Settings → General you can modify the list for things like Contact Types, Phone Types, Fax Types, etc. Those then appear in the drop down list when entering a contact. It is a closed list you must pick from those.

So my question is can I access what that list is so I can present the current accurate list in my app.


Ah, my apologies. That list is accessible through the Legacy XML-RPC API Data Service getAppSetting method:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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