The Goal of answering the following question is:
When a subscription bill fails change the next billing date to anything in the future via the API so InfusionSoft will re-try on that date.
We are trying to set the next retry date on subscription billings. We currently are using the XML-RPC InvoiceService.updateJobRecurringNextBillDate (xml-rpc - Keap Developer Portal). This seems to work 33% of the time and the InfusionSoft system re-bills the customer on the updated date. However, 66% of the time it doesn’t rebill even though the date does change. Upon the recommendation of InfusionSoft, since it seem that this has something to do with being out of the range on the billing cycle that these are not re-billing and their recommendation was to create a new subscription invoice.
So we have now implemented the XML-RPC InvoiceService.createInvoiceForRecurring (xml-rpc - Keap Developer Portal). However, when ever we make this call we are receiving a 0, which is returned if no invoices were generated. The following is an example of the call we are performing.
InfusionSoft Client
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Does the subscription have to be in a particular status in order to generate a new invoice? We were assuming as long as a balance was due, it should generate an invoice? Any guidance would be helpful!
Jason Martin
OpenPath Level X Support