I have created a campaign from a pre-made one that is available. I changed the name of it, however, when an email is delivered from it, the user gets this Subject: Welcome! We’re so excited to send your [NAME OF PRODUCT/SERVICE}!
I of course have tried to change this to the appropriate subject, but not sure how to do it. At least changing the title in the campaign builder doesn’t do it. Perhaps I missed something. Assistance appreciated. Be safe out there…
When you say ’changing the title in the campaign builder’ — are you just changing the name of the email inside the campaign builder, or are you going into the email and changing the subject line?
If you changed here, it’s not the actual subject line of the email:

You need to go into the email and click ‘details’ to drop down the top info, then edit the subject line:
Hope that helps.

Thanks Jeff. I did change the title in the campaign builder (the Red NO)… But can’t find the area for the email in the builder so I could make the change. I used a pre-created Campaign… I have some attachments. Thank you for your assistance.

In your last photo … there is a spot in the top middle that says ‘details’ … click on that and it will show you the info that is in my screenshot where you change the subject line.
That’s what you want to change.

You my friend are a GENIUS!! Thank you. Be safe and be blessed.