Any sample code on authorizing for XML-RPC using PAT or SAK?

Can anyone point to some sample code for that using PHP SDK?

Assuming you don’t mean using the PHP SDK, you can easily do it using cURL. The PAT/SAK is one of the param values in the code examples in the XML docs. There are a few things (so far) in my updating from the legacy code to the new APIs where the only option was using the XML-RPC API because what I needed to do wasn’t available in REST v1 or REST v2 (such as searching via a custom field, sending an email or running an action set).

@Bill_Jenkins if you’re referring to the XMLRPC API SDK, I refactored the original iSDK and provided a link from my dropbox account, you can find that and more information in the Legacy Key Sunsetting thread:

I’m looking for the following code revised to use PAT or SAK

require_once ‘…/vendor/autoload.php’;

$infusionsoft = new \Infusionsoft\Infusionsoft(array(
‘clientId’ => ‘’,
‘clientSecret’ => ‘’,
‘redirectUri’ => ‘’,

// If the serialized token is available in the session storage, we tell the SDK
// to use that token for subsequent requests.
if (isset($_SESSION[‘token’])) {

This should be what you’re looking for then:

$infusionsoft = new \Infusionsoft\Infusionsoft(array(
  'apikey' => 'SAK_GOES_HERE',

But this doesn’t use the OAuth so you won’t need the session token code.

This information is document on the Github Repo:

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I’m using it but getting the following error.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught iSDKException: ERROR: 5 - Didn’t receive 200 OK from remote server

What version of PHP is running on your server? Looks like it needs to be PHP 8.1.

As of version 1.6, PHP 8.1+ is required.

I’m using the PHP 8.2
I’m not getting this error continuously, script is working after refresh the page.