Hi Team,
I have created custom fields( [cr_call_type, cr_newlead_web, cr_id through DataService.addCustomField but when i tried updating/adding the values under these custom fields i get [DatabaseError]Error updating custom field.
Within your request body you have the custom field Id set as -1. This needs to be a valid (greater than 0) Id for the field you have previously created.
Please always remove your API Key before posting code samples! It is important to keep your keys private.
All custom field database names begin with an _underscore when referenced in the xmlrpc API.
Certain special characters used within the name of a field are never placed in the database name. If you named your field “call_type”, its database name will be “calltype”.
It is likely your corrected xml will look something like:
To find your database field names for custom fields there are a 2 ways:
Via the UI:
Navigate to the page where you create your Task custom fields. At the very bottom of the page you will find the link “View the field database names (for the API)”
Via the API:
GET /rest/v1/tasks/model/
I was able to update the text within a custom task field using this code:
You are limited to creating 100 custom fields for each Object type. So 100 custom Contact fields, 100 custom Task fields, 100 custom Order fields, etc.
Hi Justin,
Thanks for the support, could you please help me with the below.
How do i get the values of the tab unders task.
I have tech tab → and sever custom fields with values, so if i want to get the tech tab values from task is there a way?
app id: https://bio997.infusionsoft.com/
Another thing noticed is when tried listing the tasks i could only fetch the tasks that i created from the Web UI and not the ones i created through the REST API not able to understand what is the difference between these two.
One difference i understood was the task created through REST API has custom fields also updated through contacActions but the one created from the webui does not allow me to add tech tab details.
Please clarify and also plz give me example to fetch all tasks and its custom fields values(Tech Tab), It would be great if you can connect via some zoom/google meet to see this live and advise. Please let me know if its fine so that i can share the meeting link with you over the email.
We do not provide individual consultation with our engineering staff. If you are continuing to have issues, please file a ticket with our Support team, who can reach out to you directly.