How do I direct new users to TOS page and returning users to Member Home based on a TOS Accepted TAG applied in KEAP?

We use WordPress Divi Theme. We have Memberium and KEAP/Infusionsoft working together to manage the membership details of this site.

When someone logs in to our site, we need them to accept the Terms of Service, so it’s the first page that appears upon entering login ID and password.

Once they click the button to accept the TOS, they are tagged in Infusionsoft and it’s logged on a contact form on our site also.

The next time a member visits the site, I want them to be able to skip the TOS page and be taken directly to the Member Home page if they already have the TOS Accepted Tag applied in Infusionsoft. But we can’t get this setup to work correctly.

The site used to do it, but it broke at some point, and we can’t figure out how the former webmaster had it setup. So currently, every person who logs in is taken to the TOS page first, and they have to scroll to the bottom and click “Enter Site” to get to the Member Home page if they’ve already accepted the TOS on a prior first visit.

Do you have any suggestions on how we can get this to work the way I’ve outlined? I’m not sure if it’s something I can control via KEAP or Memberium or some combo of the two.

Thank you for your help with this.

Hire someone qualified to fix it: